- Towards Transport-Agnostic Middleware (IETF89, 2014, London)
- ZeroMQ (The Arcitecture of Open Source Applications, vol. II)
- A way towards fully distributed architectures (wroc_love.rb 2012, Wroclaw)
- Future of Messaging (Skills Matter 2011, London)
- Multiplexing on top of TCP
- ZeroMQ: The Theoretical Foundation
- Design of PUB/SUB subsystem in ØMQ
- Scalability Layer Hits the Internet Stack (Linux Kongress 2010, Nurnberg)
- Internet Worldview in Messaging World
- Towards messaging on an Internet scale
- Multithreading Magic
- Broker vs. Brokerless
- Measuring Jitter
- 0MQ: A new approach to messaging (LWN, 2010)
- Linguistics and Programming Languages (Psychology of Programming Interest Group, 2006)