Coroutines in C with Arbitrary Arguments

There are many C coroutine implementations out there.

However, they usually allow only a single predefined type of function to be exected as a coroutine. For example, both libtask and libcoro require that the coroutine has the following prototype:

void foo(void *arg);

The following toy implementation of coroutines shows how to execute an arbitrary function as a coroutine. The idea is that if the coroutine invocation performs the context switch to the new coroutine straight away, it can use C compiler to put the arguments on the stack and the library doesn't have to handle it itself. Of course, given that coroutines are executed concurrently, any non-void return value is lost.

#define STACK_SIZE 16384

volatile int unoptimisable_ = 1;

struct cr_ {
    struct cr_ *next;
    jmp_buf ctx;

struct cr_ main_cr_ = {NULL};

struct cr_ *first_cr_ = &main_cr_;
struct cr_ *last_cr_ = &main_cr_;

#define go(fn) \
    do {\
        if(!setjmp(first_cr_->ctx)) {\
            char *stack = malloc(STACK_SIZE);\
            int anchor_[unoptimisable_];\
            char filler_[(char*)&anchor_ - (char*)(stack + STACK_SIZE)];\
            struct cr_ cr[unoptimisable_];\
            cr->next = first_cr_;\
            first_cr_ = cr;\
            char *stack_[unoptimisable_];\
            stack_[0] = stack;\
            first_cr_ = first_cr_->next;\
            longjmp(first_cr_->ctx, 1);\
    } while(0)

void yield(void) {
    if(first_cr_ == last_cr_)
    struct cr_ *cr = first_cr_;
    first_cr_ = cr->next;
    cr->next = NULL;
    last_cr_->next = cr;
    last_cr_ = cr;
    longjmp(first_cr_->ctx, 1);

And here's a piece of code that uses it. Note how printf — a system function with variable argument list — is invoked like a coroutine:

void foo(int count, const char *text) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i != count; ++i) {
        printf("%s\n", text);

int main() {
    go(foo(3, "a"));
    go(printf("Hello, %s!\n", "world"));
    go(foo(2, "b"));
    foo(5, "c");
    return 0;

Martin Sústrik, April 19th, 2015

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