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There are many C coroutine implementations out there.
However, they usually allow only a single predefined type of function to be exected as a coroutine. For example, both libtask and libcoro require that the coroutine has the following prototype:
void foo(void *arg);
The following toy implementation of coroutines shows how to execute an arbitrary function as a coroutine. The idea is that if the coroutine invocation performs the context switch to the new coroutine straight away, it can use C compiler to put the arguments on the stack and the library doesn't have to handle it itself. Of course, given that coroutines are executed concurrently, any non-void return value is lost.
#define STACK_SIZE 16384
volatile int unoptimisable_ = 1;
struct cr_ {
struct cr_ *next;
jmp_buf ctx;
struct cr_ main_cr_ = {NULL};
struct cr_ *first_cr_ = &main_cr_;
struct cr_ *last_cr_ = &main_cr_;
#define go(fn) \
do {\
if(!setjmp(first_cr_->ctx)) {\
char *stack = malloc(STACK_SIZE);\
int anchor_[unoptimisable_];\
char filler_[(char*)&anchor_ - (char*)(stack + STACK_SIZE)];\
struct cr_ cr[unoptimisable_];\
cr->next = first_cr_;\
first_cr_ = cr;\
char *stack_[unoptimisable_];\
stack_[0] = stack;\
first_cr_ = first_cr_->next;\
longjmp(first_cr_->ctx, 1);\
} while(0)
void yield(void) {
if(first_cr_ == last_cr_)
struct cr_ *cr = first_cr_;
first_cr_ = cr->next;
cr->next = NULL;
last_cr_->next = cr;
last_cr_ = cr;
longjmp(first_cr_->ctx, 1);
And here's a piece of code that uses it. Note how printf — a system function with variable argument list — is invoked like a coroutine:
void foo(int count, const char *text) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i != count; ++i) {
printf("%s\n", text);
int main() {
go(foo(3, "a"));
go(printf("Hello, %s!\n", "world"));
go(foo(2, "b"));
foo(5, "c");
return 0;
Martin Sústrik, April 19th, 2015
Previous: A cryptopuzzle. Ready, steady, go!
Next: Reusability Trap
I am assuming that this is how libmill works. (I haven't looked at the code yet). Can you share some performance metrics with comparable thread based implementations?
I've looked at several coroutine implementations. I was torn between defining a stack for each coroutine and using a shared heap. Using the stack based approach, the challenge is that we do not know beforehand what the stack usage of a coroutine is going to be. On the other hand allocating things on the heap means that it requires a further context switch each time an allocation happens. How did you get around this in libmill?
Yes. That's how it works.
The stack has fixed size, same way as threads do. (You can chance the size using goprepare functions though.)
As for performance, sending a signal from on thread to another takes ~5us. Sending a signal from one coroutine to another in libmill takes ~20ns, i.e. is 250x faster.
Good luck porting this to windows.
I don't own a widows machine. Any particular reason why it should not work? Extra stack consistency checking in windows CRT, maybe?
AFAIK, Visual Studio doesn't support C99 variable-length automatic arrays, which seem to be required for this feature. GCC for Windows via MSys might though.
Easily fixed :). Use the real compiler on windows gcc/clang with C99 suppport.
It's quite sad that VC compiler (c)2013 does not support 1999 standard.
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